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The Ultimate Guide to Grow Lights

With the advancement of technology over mankind’s history, telling the average person from 500 years ago that we can grow plants simply with a glow...

A Complete Guide to the Best Grow Light Bulbs in 2022

Two types of indoor farmers could do with grow light bulbs. The first are those who don’t have an unlimited number of south-facing windows at...

Can a Regular Light Bulb Help Plants Grow? | Can LED Light Grow Plants?

A regular light bulb can help plants grow, but the results might not be as satisfactory as those provided by grow light bulbs. That’s because...

How to Grow Tomatoes Indoor with Lights?

When it comes to growing tomatoes indoor with lights, two questions pop up in everyone’s minds. There is a ‘why’ and there is ‘how’. Let’s answer t...

How to Grow Seedlings under Indoor Grow Lights: Step by Step Guide

Many farmers choose to grow seedlings under indoor grow lights. Doing this saves them from spending money on the purchasing, heating, and mai...

How to Grow Cannabis Indoors – Step by Step Guide

Growing cannabis indoors takes patience. First, you have to select the right place and get the right growing equipment. Then, you need to cho...

How to Choose the Best Grow Lights for Seed Starting

Searching for the best grow lights for seed starting? The market gives you more options than it did at any time in history. Internet is flood...

Revealed – How Far Should LED Grow Lights Be From Plants

LED grow lights should be at a distance of 12 to 36 inches from plants, but the ideal distance will vary. It will depend on the type of plant...